Tuesday 8 November 2011

WWE 12 game Preview

 "Bigger, Badder, Better" so that the video game maker THQ advertises this year with the new game for the franchise for World Wrestling Entertainment, but can these optimistic words translate into deeds.? THQ made ​​many hearts beat faster, as it announced that it would introduce a new gameplay engine. But this engine can confirm their praises? THQ enlisted with the biggest and best of all time roster. If you can make it all WWE fanshappy ? THQ announced that for the creative minds in this year's good, but there are also new features where you can let your fantasies run wild. If you can confirm this? For many years, fought the wrestling fans of all ages about the quality of the video game series. Many players, especially the hardcore gamers was the gameplay just too stiff, the computer opponent too lightly and the control options for one-dimensional.
ImageThe "Smackdown" series from THQ is one yet has always been to the annual best-selling titles . manufacturer of games this year but we want to go other ways, entering new trails and levees break, the first visible change is right on track -. from "SmackDown! vs. RAW "is" WWE '12 ". Also passed you on the new video game, which will be released for X-Box 360, Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii, multiple cover models and presents itself with the multiple World Champion Randy Orton. Why Randy Orton ? Then I go in a subsequent point, if I have the new features of the game and of course the  highlights lluminating detail. 
The gameplay Predator Technology Randy Orton is the "Apex Predator" by the WWE and he was also a new gameplay engine of the game named -.. "Predator Technology" "WWE '12" was equipped with a completely new game physics, the player much more the feeling to pursue a WWE show than before, the actions of the WWE superstars look smoother and not as choppy as in its predecessors. Another adjustment you made ​​in the action speed. It is the beginning of the match entirely possible to show nice chain wrestling, because the computer opponents are quick in good condition again. Of course, this applies also for their own players. has Changed it also means that you have not cleared the enemy after a few minutes.
It's been some tough actions needed for the computer to even begin to "groggy" and the signature or finishing move can be shown. Many fans in the previous versions complained that the ring hardly moves with the action. Also have improved the developers this year, because every suplex, each powerbomb, each clothesline is also visible in the movement of the ring. This shakes shakes and sways of the ring, for example, when a Mark Henry shows a World Strongest Slam against a big show or a running clothesline against Kane. has also improved the presentation of the ring ropes, the yield at Springboard actions even more and just like a suspension for high-flyers such as Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel or Rey Mysterio work. 
One can say that the new "Predator Technology", the experience makes liquid, smooth and round. It is not so that you wait for an action (say exaggerated) hours must return to the opponent on is the legs. The action sequence is much faster and requires much more from the player if he wants to defeat the computer. Even more difficult it is, of course, if you play against a friend who has mastered the game. New animations and realistic camera angles and perspective change round the overall picture of the "Predator Technology" from. Many fans have called for a new engine, now it is finally here and it makes a lot of fun to play with it.
Improved computer AI As mentioned above, already have many players over the years the weak and complained far too simple computer AI. Even on the hardest level, the "Legend mode", was the absolute expert in computers for a few minutes cleared. That will change this year because the new engine also brings a improved AI with it, which makes itself felt even in the lower levels. The opponents countered much faster their own actions and is very often at the pin, the one first must defend against, especially if you've got plugged into one or the other finishers. Even be countered finisher more often and it takes a lot more timing of the player that the finisher is executed at the best time and therefore leads to success. THQ have on the Community Summit in Los Angeles said even some of the best players in the world that the computer opponent "not easy" would be, but it the title of "challenging" titled. The match against the computer time amounts in a singles match in about 8-10 minutes, which is a good WWE TV match on RAW or SmackDown! equivalent. 
Wake Up Taunts & Comebacks We are all familiar - John Cena fight once more against a superior opponent like the Great Khali, has uncanny plug in a lot, but eventually it makes loud "CLICK" and SuperCena is because flying shoulder block, hip toss. Slam, Five Knuckle Shuffle and the Attitude Adjustment and he has already won a match again. It's now on "WWE '12" is possible with the so-called "Wake Up Taunts" or the "comeback". But how does one reach them? If you plug in properly beaten by an opponent, must by no means the end of the match. Even some counter or kick outs can work wonders, especially if you play with characters like John Cena. So you also collected in the above terms of energy and can thus get close to a signature or finishing move.
Collects we now so together such a move will flash on at a certain moment the "comeback" signal and you have a specific action by pressing the up-lit button and the resulting activated In comeback fashion show John Cena would be the example of the Flying shoulder block then you can show some more action and so the odd match even turn around, but beware -.... and these actions can still be ausgekontert They offer the .. players only be able to bring his character back into the match or turn at all, but provide no guarantee of victory for each wrestler has their own move-set for such a comeback designed some examples you can read here: -insert: list of comeback Moves - In "Wake Up Taunts" you collect too energy, which can then ignite in certain moments, so that you get extra power that can translate into powerful actions Sowas can use for example, characters such as The Miz and Triple H.. 2 What's New to the players before the console always be times the chance of not feeling completely defeated each time it needs to take more beating.
You can turn the match and win even more. hopeless situations can be overcome and titles can be won impressively - altogether, as in the WWE shows improved pinning system and "Breaking Point" Submission Last year we introduced a new pinning system in the game that the players demanded a certain timing, when he hinbekommen Pinversuch when the Kickout will. In "WWE '12", the system is not changed, but some have been tightened around. To give the players more feel for the Kickout, has introduced one example, that the meter, which can trigger the Kickout, only According to the 1-count appears on the screen, so you create exactly the two-count the Kickout. The longer the match lasts, the greater the impact of the opponent on the condition of one's character, the faster it moves, of course, the meter and the narrower is the range in which the Kickout is achieved. Also renewed this year, the submission system, which has been criticized in recent years by many fans new layout, new name is -. "Breaking Point" What Submission there? Easy! Once the opponent a task handle attaches to you, the logo appears on the (now defunct) WWE Pay Per View "Breaking Point".
This logo slowly fills with red. The rapid and continuous pressing the letter keys on the X-Box or the icon buttons on the PS3 you can stop the filling process, the logo is clear and at the end of the move counter. The players a better and more challenging idea of how short it still faces a possible task. Above all, the intensified pinning system knows to be absolutely convincing. Pinversuch A can of " WWE '12 "will lead to dramatic scenes, a loud sigh of relief and a brief feeling of happiness, because you really feel a Kickout all over. You feverishly through the slow meter with and want the character with whom you play really well auskickt. If he does then ultimately rejoices with you as if you sit in the arena and looks just like his hero, but it still manages to escape defeat . The "Breaking Point" Submission System is also a nice innovation, as it an even better illustrates how is it ordered by the player within a task handle. Also, that only by continuous, consistent, but not blind, can happen 'button spamming "the symbol or letter keys to the lock has been the designers and makers made ​​by THQ Imagewell. 
Limb Targeting Who has already played one or the other predecessor of "WWE '12" may, perhaps, to the ' Limb Damage "Remember that showed the player by a wide spectrum of colors, where in the body of the wrestler in the game at the most vulnerable people were. This year, returns this feature, but has a wider background, because THQ adds" meter WWE ' 12 "the so-called" Limb targeting "one that gives the player the opportunity to prepare his opponent so that the finisher can really be the finisher. So when you prepare the Attitude Adjustment with John Cena, you concentrate on the weakening of head and body. Will you stop with the Sharp Shooter the match, so you maltraitiert best body and legs and will be forced with Alberto Del Rio's cross armbreaker opponent to task, then edited it the best arms of the enemy. But what the controller and how to do it at all? THQ has kept basically very simple. The simplest is if you miss the enemy a toe kick and takes him into a Grapple and press the X-Box as RB, so that the "Limb Damage Meter" is on. Then you have the choice whether you worked with Y head B arms, X is the body or A legs. After an action follows from the respective body part. The more often you perform these actions , the faster the meter changes color and you can go in the direction finisher. The "Limb targeting" a nice new feature, the tactical challenge is to bring into play. You can compare it to have a bit with the current alignment of Randy Orton, who indeed continuously displayed as is calculating. Just like Randy Orton's opponent bets tactical chess mat, so do it now every player on the local console, because of a Grapple not necessarily follow a Whip-In or the like. It is his opponents rightly put virtually as you need it, so you can win the match!
Multi-Man Matches How stressful were in the past Triple Threat or Fatal 4 Way match? A WWE Superstar resulted from an action and had all the others wait , has been found to this action their completion. This could, depending on the move ever take quite a while, but from the WWE shows one knows that wrestlers can stop action and moves well. This is installed in the games, THQ in the past years can still missing, but that will change in the "WWE '12", because this year we can actually intervene during the activities, they inhibit the use and impact of his moves. This brings you to the wishes of many fans, which The slow move sequence simply dull and boring was. Another change was in the tag team area conducted. So you can show with his tag team partner now some chain moves. is particularly well seen that, for example, in tandem John Cena / Rey Mysterio. Rey shows his 619, it goes into the Five Knuckle Shuffle on and Rey shows its splash to finish. Nice little extension that once pursued more realism thoughts, because that's what it is what many fans in such Tag Team Matches estimate. Overall, the changes, especially in the multi-man matches, very much apparent and there makes the new "Predator Technology" is also apparent, as would the presentation of moves to be still so choppy and unloving as in the 2011 version saw the whole thing look pretty boring. But so are the opportunities to intervene during the action, or string together multiple actions, very versatile and well used! 
The gameplay Conclusion One can say already that THQ many lessons from the mistakes the past has learned, because the new engine is a 180 ° rotation in comparison to the old engine. But it would be too bad if it would be different, right? The new "Predator-Tec" gives the player more realism through better movement and individualized animations. You have much more the impression that something really happens in the ring, because everything rattles and shakes when it comes to crunching action. Furthermore, knowing the innovations in the field pinfall, submission, and the "Limb Targeting" to convince real. The possibilities offered by one the gameplay in "WWE '12" are much broader than all predecessors. A real plus for " WWE '12 "!
The Roster WWE In no game can be found at the beginning of the game more superstars, divas and legends, as in "WWE '12". In the great idea roster under the "SummerSlam Axxess" Fanfest 60 characters have been announced, one has from the date of publication. Every fan who "WWE '12 "pre-order at Amazon.de for example, will also receive a code to be used as pre-order bonus Dwayne" The Rock "Johnson download. The one think that it would rip off, others see it as a welcome addition to the game - the DLC packets. This year there will be another three great packages that are expected to be completed after 30, 60 and 90 days. It is also envisaged that there will be again this year the "Fan Axxess", the allows the players to buy all three packages at the beginning and to download it for publication. At this stage it is not allowing me to give details about the contents of the packages, but they are very balanced and offer a surprise or two, the the players can cause a lot of fun. A DLC wrestler but was already presented, as Jerry "The King" Lawler will be part of the first package, which will be released after 30 days. Highlights in the 60-man roster are Ax & Smash . Demolition, Kevin Nash, Vader, Arn Anderson, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat is also gratifying that current WWE has superstars like Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd found his way into the game.
Oh - and there was still the "Mystery Superstar" Brock Lesnar. I say to you, dear friends of cultivated console entertainment. He will surprise you put in shock, joy, ready or you just plain so cool addition to the game. it addiction from you. In my eyes he is a great choice and you have long time never thought that one it is again seen in a WWE game Who will be there And I mean ever question him about any questions -.?? I am very excited to final nor the complete roster, which was also presented at SummerSlam Weekend: Alberto Del Rio Alex Riley Arn Anderson Beth Phoenix Big Show Booker T Chavo Guerrero Christian CM Punk Cody Rhodes Daniel Bryan David Otunga Demolition Ax Demolition Smash Dolph Ziggler Drew McIntyre, Eddie Guerrero Edge Evan Bourne Eve Ezekiel Jackson Goldust Slater Husky Harris Jack Swagger Jerry Lawler (DLC) John Cena John Morrison, Justin Gabriel Kane Kelly Kelly Kevin Nash Kofi Kingston Layla Mark Henry Maryse Mason Ryan Michael McGillicuttyMichelle McCool Miz Mr. McMahon Natalya Rey Mysterio Ricky "The Dragon "Steamboat Road Warrior Animal Road Warrior Hawk The Rock (Pre-order bonus DLC) R-Truth, Santino Marella Sheamus Sin Cara "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Ted DiBiase Triple H Undertaker Tyson Kidd Vader Vladimir Koslov Wade Barrett, William Regal, Yoshi Tatsu Zack Ryder
The Roster-Conclusion " WWE '12 "in terms of variety and roster depth than any fan actually exactly what he wants. Certainly some players are characters like Trent Barretta, The Great Khali, Melina Jinder Mahal or miss, but with a roster of 60 WWE Superstars, plus a lot of divas and legends, plus the upcoming downloads that's hopefully just as comfortable. I think in any case that the developer THQ has a lot of made ​​an effort, as many wrestlers as possible to bring into play what Another, major advantage of "WWE '12" is!
Creativity Suite Create-An-Arena In recent years there have been countless cool "Create-A" modes, which gave the creative freedoms of various wrestling fan, after the game . to make his taste in this year THQ rings again once the novelty bell and brings the "Create-An-Arena" the game. First downer front - it does not "unfortunately" to edit the ringside area and the ring as the stage is a "Generic Stage. . ", but, as I think are quite cool looks next year then will also change the stage, the ramp and the presentation should be possible. In this mode, the following modules changed - Barrier, mat around the ring, announce table, Ringapron (the apron, where the event name is shown), the ring mat, ring ropes, the ring post and Schutzpads on the ring corners. At the same time you can change the billboards of the arena, walk past the boxes and the names of inserts can also vary according to taste be changed! Almost all modules can be either color, pattern, change the logo. The range of colors and patterns is almost infinite. You can make a retro ring with barriers made ​​of metal, red / white / blue ring ropes and everything one of them. you could have a football field make in the ring and then select the Match contest. The designer of THQ have also implemented all the WrestleMania logo in the mode, Old-School Royal Rumble and SummerSlam logo, a lot of WCW logos and and ECW and AWA logo. So it is for every fan, okay, almost everyone what this promotion. And if anything is missing, you can use the Paint tool and bring his creations to the mode. A second downer is that His creations can not play online can see what is mainly due to squabbles with Microsoft. Very sad, but because many cool things online would have to marvel at, but that should change as early as next year, if, under the request of the community went to the "WWE '12 Community Summit" in Los Angeles who was there. Overall, the "Create-An-Arena" mode is very well done and by far the highlight of all the creative options. 
Create-A-Superstar The origins of creativity THQ's wrestling game and the "Create-A" mode, use the fans year after year for crazy creations. online use most of the players their created Superstars, but sometimes you wonder if THQ this mode to keep still as innovative possible that each year he interesting remains. In "WWE '12" There are more templates, attires and Move sets for the superstars of the heads of the world's wrestling community. For example, there is this year's long-awaited Nexus bracelet or many new facial animation. And if one has created his superstar, you can see in this year to choose a new design for the naming, including the well-known ways, a theme song and a Entrancevideo. Over the years, many players disappointed time and again that the ring announcer could utter only one name, but this year has to pick out the possibility of a wide range of 4 names, so you can make his superstar as individual as possible. And if you want to use any of the specified Entrancevideos, one can simply be your own . create can be subject, music, fonts and sentiments choose. In the video then the created wrestler embedded and whose name appears from time to time. super feature that will run true with the Create-An-Arena story great. little info at the end: The game has space for 50 self-created superstar more "Create-A" highlights .
Create-A-Finisher is also back again, benefiting from new Move Sets These were the well-known figures abolished and replaced by "real" Wrestler replaced."Create-A" Conclusion With "Create-An-Arena" the game a whole new, fresh and good aspect gets into the game. You can let your creativity full run, just have fun or a trip into the past . do just a pity that you do not, its rings and arenas can use the internet, but hey - makes photos and upload them you will not be in vain hope that next year I especially like it works better too, that..! You can choose among the created superstars now more names for the Entrance, and that you can even customize his Entrancevideo as it would like. That's just fun and lets the hours trickle away. Finally, a few anecdotes. ..
The "Universe mode" and the "Road To WrestleMania" mode, new life was breathed. More later. ... Suffice it makes damn fun! can be both the Royal Rumble with 20, and play with 30 and with 40 wrestlers. Here was something done to make you even more fun with it. The Rumble benefits from new control options and improved AI of computer opponent. Create-A-Belt this year will unfortunately not yet in WWE his game, but may well be that the mode returns next year. The maximum number of players in a tag team match is 6, which means 3 on each side. Conclusion For a long time I thought that no WWE game from the THQ ever on "Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain" approaching, but I think that " WWE '12 "will play on short or long this status, the new engine, the huge roster, the many ways the game its punch. impose and the good AI of computer opponents make the game a real hit! Certainly not everything that glitters is gold.
Unfortunately, there are some barriers for the online mode, because its arenas are not using and can unfortunately not yet possible, at a place for two to play against other players in the network, too, that there are still some bugs that need to own up to THQ, but that will be fixed until the release certainly on 25.11.2011.. So, thumbs up for " WWE '12 "- this game is "Bigger, Badder, Better!"

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