Sunday 23 October 2011

WWe Vengeance results 2011

Event: WWE Vengeance Pay-Per-View
Airdate: Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 (Pay-Per-View)
Location: The AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX

“Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event…”
WWE Vengeance Opener:

We open the show with a video package that highlights the main feuds heading into tonight’s show.
“The pyro hits and Michael Cole welcomes us to the PPV. The San Antonio crowd looks like they’re ready to kick things off. They throw it right to Justin Roberts, who announces this match will be for the Tag Team Championships, but he’s interrupted by Vickie Guerrero. She introduced ‘your next WWE Tag Team Champions’: first out is Jack Swagger.
WWE Tag Team Championship
- Air Boom (c) vs. Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler

After Swagger makes his way to the ring, Vickie introduces Dolph Ziggler, who comes out wearing some spiffy looking American flag trunks.
The Champions, Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne are out next, and we are ready to go.
Kofi and Ziggler look to start things out for their respective teams. The bell rings and we get a quick lock up. Kofi goes behind Ziggler, but Ziggler turns it around and takes Kofi to the mat. Kofi fights up and the two trade holds for a bit before Ziggler takes Kofi over with a side head lock. Kofi is able to fight up to his feet and pushes Ziggler away, but he goes right down to a shoulderblock. Kofi responds with a big back elbow and a monkey flip out of the corner that sends Ziggler flying.
Kofi tags out to Bourne who comes in and hits a beautiful dropkick on Ziggler. Ziggler begins fighting back and he’s able to tag out to Swagger who comes in and is immediately rolled up for a two count. Bourne tags out to Kingston and Air Boom double team Swagger, allowing Kofi to score another two count. Another tag out to Bourne, who comes in and hits a low dropkick in the corner in tandem with Kofi. This sets up another near fall. Bourne tags back out to Kofi, and the two kick at the backs of Swagger’s legs before slamming his face to the mat. The ref says the tag wasn’t made and Kofi’s back in.
Kofi jumps off the middle rope toward Swagger but he’s caught and slammed to the mat instead. Ziggler tags in and he and Kofi trade blows in the middle of the ring before Ziggler throws a great dropkick that’s good for a two count of his own. Ziggler locks in a modified rings of Saturn, but Kofi is able to fight up to his feet and out of the hold, only to be slammed back down to the mat by his hair. Ziggler tags out to Swagger who comes in and wrenches on Kingston’s arm. Swagger charges Kingston and hits a big shoulderblock before locking in a rear chin lock.
Kofi fights up to his feet and out of the hold and he’s able to make the tag to Bourne. Bourne comes in and hits an immediate ‘rana on Swagger before tagging both Swagger and Ziggler with big kicks. Bourne heads up to the top, avoids interference from Ziggler by jumping over Swagger and dropkicks Swagger into Ziggler. Bourne goes back up top and goes for the shooting star press, but Swagger gets his knees up and Bourne crashes and burns. Swagger tags out to Ziggler who comes in and makes the pin but it’s broken up by Kofi.
Ziggler works over Bourne’s arm and neck in a seated hold, but Bourne is able to fight up to his feet. Bourne struggles to make it to his corner but Ziggler puts him back down. Both men trade roll ups before Ziggler pops up with a huge clothesline to Bourne for another near fall. Ziggler tags out to Swagger who comes in and stomps away at Bourne. Swagger runs into the corner and launches himself off the middle rope with a Vader bomb, but Bourne still won’t stay down for three.
Swagger locks in a front face lock and Bourne struggles to make it to his corner but Swagger stops him cold. Bourne rolls up Swagger, but then Swagger goes for the ankle lock. Bourne is able to roll through and send Swagger flying through the ropes to the outside. Swagger prevents the tag by pulling Kofi from the apron. Swagger makes it back in the ring and tags out to Ziggler who comes in and grinds his boot into Bourne’s gut while Kofi is livid, distracting the ref. Ziggler hits a big standing neckbreaker before tagging back out to Swagger.
Swagger comes in and simply stands on Bourne’s chest before picking him up and slamming him back down to the mat. Swagger goes for the Vader bomb again but Bourne gets his knees up and Swagger’s chin drops right onto Bourne’s knees. Both men make the tag and Kingston comes in taking out Ziggler with a series of clotheslines. Kingston tries for the SOS but he’s thrown off. Kingston catches Ziggler with a kick in the corner, a kick to the chest on the apron, and a GIANT cross body block from the top rope for a two count. Kofi hits the boom drop in the middle of the ring.
Ziggler ducks Trouble in Paradise, but Kingston connects with the double knees. Swagger tries to break it up, but hits Ziggler instead. Swagger locks in the ankle lock in Kingston but it’s broken up by Bourne. Kingston hits the TIP on Ziggler and tags out to Bourne, who comes in with a big shooting star press. Bourne pins Ziggler and this one is over.
Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Air Boom
Following the match, Bourne and Kingston celebrate in the ring, but they’re interrupted by Zack Ryder’s music.
United States Championship
- Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder makes his way to the ring to a modest reception, and it looks like there will be no rest for Dolph as the bell rings and we’re ready to begin.
Ryder beats on Ziggler in the corner before sending him into the ropes and hitting a big clothesline. Ryder sends Ziggler into the corner hard and goes for the pin but he only gets a two count. Ziggler is able to score a boot to the gut and he follows up with a big neckbreaker. The crowd is solidly behind Ryder. Ryder connects with another big clothesline and Ziggler flees to the outside. Ziggler begins crawling up to the entrance, but Air Boom, who are still waiting outside of the ring, are kind enough to send Ziggler back into the ring, which the referee ejects them for doing.
Ryder takes Ziggler back down to the mat repeatedly, not letting him catch a breath, but Ryder goes for some kind of splash and Ziggler moves, sending Ryder crashing into the ropes. Ziggler takes the advantage and stomps away at Ryder’s face. Ziggler hits a big elbow drop, which is good for a near fall for the champ. Ziggler mounts Ryder and locks in a modified rear chin lock, wrenching away at Ryder’s neck.
Ziggler releases the hold before hitting another vicious elbow drop to Ryder’s back. Ziggler charges Ryder in the corner and hits a giant splash, sending Ryder crumpling to the mat. Ryder crawls to another corner and avoids a second splash. Ryder goes for a face wash kick in the corner, but Ziggler moves and Ryder ends up crotching himself on the bottom rope. Ziggler is able to connect with something (I think it might have been the Zig Zag but I missed it) and goes for the pin but Ryder kicks out at two. Ziggler kicks away at Ryder in the corner, but when he charges in he’s met with Ryder’s knees. Ryder goes for, and connects with the face wash kick in the corner but he’s pulled down from behind by Swagger. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, but Ryder holds on to the ropes to avoid it. Ryder kicks Swagger away, but turns right around into a superkick from Ziggler. Ziggler goes for the pin and this one is over.
Winner and STILL WWE US Champion: Dolph Ziggler
CM Punk is shown backstage showing his tattoos off to Ted Dibiase Jr. Triple H walks in and hopes Punk can understand his immigration issues this past week. Punk says he understands someone else is pulling the strings. Punk and Hunter banter back and forth for a little bit about a ‘rah-rah’ speech, before Punk says tonight he wants to show Miz and Truth all about an ‘unsafe working environment’.
WWE Divas Championship
- Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Eve Torres

Beth Phoenix makes her way down to the ring, and Cole says there was an incident involving the Diva’s earlier today. It cuts to Kelly Kelly being interviewed for about Eve’s chances tonight. Natalya interrupts, choking Kelly while the Bella’s and Phoenix look on. She’s pulled off by Eve who comes to Kelly’s rescue before it’s all broken up by officials.
Eve is out next, and she gets a little bit of a reaction from the crowd. Apparently, the new GM John Laurinatis has banned both Natalya and Kelly Kelly from ringside due to the confrontation earlier today.
The bell rings and the women are quick to lock up. Beth takes Eve into the corner and sits her on the top turnbuckle, but Eve is able to fight back, coming off the top and rolling Beth up in a sunset flip for a two count. Beth sends Eve into the ropes and takes her down to the mat hard. Beth tries to wear down Eve, but Eve is quick to get back to her feet and kick away at Beth’s legs. Beth hits Eve with a couple of stiff forearms, but she’s caught off guard by an enzugiri from Eve.
Eve uses Beth’s outfit to tie her up in the ropes and kick away at her backside. Phoenix is able to get free and she goes to the outside. Eve comes toward Phoenix but Beth sweeps her feet out from under her. Beth gets Eve in gorilla press position and walks her over to the barricade, sending her crashing into it chest first. Beth slams Eve into the ring apron before dragging her into the ring for another two count. Beth locks in a modified rear chin lock but Eve won’t quit.
Eve starts to fight out of it, but Beth shoulders her, and drops down to her knees, causing pain to Eve’s midsection. Beth locks in a body scissors, all the while slapping at Eve’s head and screaming for her to cry. Eve is able to fight out of the hold and she mounts Beth, raining down punches. Both women get up to their feet and Eve hits Beth with a couple of big kicks before taking her down with a clothesline and hitting a pretty cool standing flipping senton for another two count. Beth reverses an Irish whip, but then runs right into a back elbow from Eve. Eve wraps her legs around Beth’s shoulders and locks in a super-weird looking submission hold focusing on Beth’s neck and shoulders.
Beth is able to get to the ropes to force Eve to break the hold. Beth goes out to the apron and Eve, who’s standing on the inside, takes her to the corner to slam her head into the turnbuckle. Beth is able to surprise Eve by snapping her arm on the top ring rope. Beth comes back in and tries for the glam slam, but Eve reverses and sends Beth into the ropes. Eve rolls up Beth for two. Eve goes to the corner and hits Beth with a big kick to the side of the head. Eve goes to the top and tries for a moonsault but Beth moves and Eve crashes to the mat. Beth connects with the glam slam, and get the three count.
Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix
Following the match, Phoenix sits over Eve and strokes her hair. Beth heads to the back and says she’ll never lose her title.
We cut to backstage where Matt Striker is standing with the Big Show. Striker reminds Show that Henry put him on the shelf, and asks if She is prepared. Show says Henry though he took everything away from him, Show says it took Henry 3 seconds to win his title. It’ll take that same three seconds for Henry to lose his title, and the Hall of Pain will topple like a house of cards. Show says Vengeance will be his, and so will the World Heavyweight Championship.
Christian vs. Sheamus
The bell rings and Sheamus goes for the lock up but Christian ducks it and slaps Sheamus in the face. Sheamus is quick to respond clubbing down across Christian’s back, hitting a knee to the side of the head, and slamming Christian to the mat. Sheamus misses and elbow drop, but he’s quick to come back, taking Christian into the corner and punching and stomping away at Christian.
Sheamus picks Christian up and takes him to the apron, tying Christian up against the top rope and clubbing away at Christian’s chest. Sheamus brings Christian back into the ring with a huge delayed suplex which is good for a two count. Sheamus sends Christian into the ropes and catches a kick to the chest. Christian hits Sheamus behind the knee and takes him to the mat with a neckbreaker. Christian stands Sheamus up and hits another neckbreaker. Christian lays into Sheamus with a series of rights until he’s backed away by the ref. Sheamus tries to come back but Christian puts him back down and chokes him in the corner. Sheamus responds by burying his shoulder into Christian’s midsection in the corner, but when he charges Christian moves and Sheamus’ shoulder connects with the ring post.
Christian goes for the quick roll up before wearing out Sheamus with big right hands and a rear chin lock. Sheamus stands to his feet with Christian on his back and drops down to the mat to force Christian to break the hold. Christian hits a drop to hold that sends Sheamus into the ropes. Christian stands on Sheamus’ back and chokes him on the middle rope before jumping to the outside and hitting a slap to Sheamus’ face. Christian comes back into the ring with a big move from the top, but it can’t hold Sheamus down for the pin. Christian connects with a big dropkick that sends Sheamus to the mat and Christian goes back up to the top. Christian goes for a flying head butt but Sheamus moves out of the way.
Sheamus gets up and takes out Christian with a couple of big clotheslines and a big slam. Christian catches a charging Sheamus in the corner with a big boot, but Sheamus comes back by catching Christian off the middle rope and hitting a big fall away slam. Christian goes out to the apron and Sheamus tries to bring him in with a suplex but Christian fights him off. Sheamus charges Christan, but Christian low-bridges Sheamus and sends him flying to the outside. Sheamus is able to come back though, coming back into the ring with a slingshot shoulderblock that puts Christian down for two. Sheamus goes for the gorilla press but Christian gets out of it and slaps Sheamus across the face. Christian is able to connect with the reverse DDT which is good for another near fall.
Sheamus gets to his feet and he and Christian fight for control. Sheamus ties Christian up in the ropes and kicks away at him before pulling him back into the middle for another near fall. Christian tries for the Killswitch, but Sheamus counters into the Celtic Cross. Christian fights off the Cross, and catches Sheamus with a couple of big kicks. Christian comes off the middle rope but he’s caught by Sheamus and put down with a big urunage that’s good for another two count.
Sheamus goes for the bicycle kick, but Christian counters with a big spear. Christian goes for the pin but Sheamus kicks out at two. Sheamus rolls out to the apron. Sheamus catches Christian with a couple of big rights to the head that send him flying back into the ring. Sheamus goes up to the top but he’s stopped by Christian. Christian climbs to the top and takes Sheamus down with a top rope hurricarana. Christian goes for another spear, but this time Sheamuse counters with the bicycle kick, taking Christian down for the three count.
Winner: Sheamus
David Otunga is shown backstage with John Lauranaitis. Ace says Vengeance was his idea before he’s interrupted by R-Truth and Miz. Miz thanks Ace for making the WWE a safer environment. Truth asks why they were reinstated. Ace says it’s because he believes they have a lot of charisma and he believes they could be the greatest tag team of all time. Not really, but it’s because they suck up well, before he leaves. Miz and Truth argue about who’s the better suck-up before they turn to making fun of Triple H and CM Punk. Miz says Punk sucks so bad, that Booker T says he’s a SUCKAAAA. Truth says the state of Texas sucks, and he’s beginning to not feel safe anymore. Miz says Triple H and Punk should feel unsafe, and Truth says it sucks to be them. Horrible segment.
CM Punk & Triple H vs. The Miz & R-Truth
We get a video package that goes all the way back to Money in the Bank, showing the events that have led up to this match, including Hunter being named, and then fired as, COO.
It looks like Punk and Miz will be starting things off. The bell rings and we’re ready to go. Punk goes for a kick but Miz avoids it. Punk chases Miz around in the ring but Miz ducks through the ropes, so Punk slaps at his face before backing away. Miz backs into the wrong corner and Hunter slaps him in the back of the head. This allows Punk to get in a couple of good shots including a big kick to the back. Punk tags out to Hunter and Miz goes across the ring promptly and tags out to Truth.
Punk shoves Miz from the apron out to the floor before locking up with Truth. Triple H puts Truth into a side headlock, Truth fights out of it only to get a shoulder block instead. Another lock up and Hunter buries his knee in Truth’s gut and hits him with a big right. Truth flips over Hunter and celebrates by doing the splits but he’s taken right down with a big right hand. Hunter tags out to Punk who comes in and hits a big falcon arrow on Truth for a two count. Truth kicks at Punk and makes the tag to Miz who comes in and eats a drop toe hold from Punk. Punk goes for the Mexican surfboard but he can’t grab the arms so he rips at Miz’s face and slaps at his back. Punk tags out to Hunter and they hit a double suplex on Miz.
Hunter locks in the figure four leg lock on Miz, and while the ref is attending to Miz, Hunter uses Punk for leverage. Truth is livid and he tries to get the attention of the ref but it doesn’t work. This continues on for a bit until Miz is able to make it to the ropes and Hunter tags right out to Punk. Punk and Hunter split the wishbone and Punk tries for a cover for two. Punk mounts Miz and locks in an arm bar.
Punk sends Miz into the corner but catches an elbow, then a right to the face from Truth. This allows Miz to tag out to Truth who comes in and stomps away at Punk. Truth hits Punk with a big right hand that takes him down to the mat before locking in a rear chin lock.
Punk is able to fight up to his feet and hit a belly to back suplex to force Truth to break the hold. Punk is able to make the tag to Hunter who comes in and takes it to both Truth and Miz. Hunter plants Truth with the spinebuster, drive Miz’s face into his knee, and clotheslines both over the top to the outside. Hunter goes to the outside, tosses Truth into the ring, and fights off an attack from Miz, only to turn around into a baseball slide from Truth.
Truth goes to the outside and beats on Hunter for a bit before sending him back into the ring. Truth tags out to Miz who comes in and stomps at Hunter repeatedly. Miz distracts the ref so that Truth can choke Hunter. Truth tags in and he and Miz hit a double shoulder block which is good for a two count. Truth puts on a front face lock, trying to wear down Hunter, but The Game is able to make it up to his feet. Hunter takes Truth to the ropes, but Truth comes right back with a big corkscrew elbow which is good for another two count. Miz tags in and he goes to work kicking away at Hunter’s stomach before hitting him with a running high knee.
Miz puts on a rear chin lock, but Hunter is able to fight up to his feet and out of the hold. Miz turns it right around, hitting his reverse DDT, clothesline to the chest combo. Miz tags out to Truth and the two lay in to Hunter with boots to the head, setting up another near fall for Truth. Truth wraps his legs around Hunter’s head and squeezes away, trying to get Hunter to submit. Hunter is able to get up to his feet with Truth on his shoulder, he drops to his back to force Truth to break the hold.
Both men go for the tag but Hunter rolls to the wrong corner. Miz comes in and eats a big clothesline from Hunter right away and both men are down. Miz makes the tag and Hunter avoids a scissors kick from Truth, only to connect with a DDT.
Hunter makes the tag and Punk comes in hitting a springboard clothesline on Miz. Punk takes it to both Miz and Truth, hitting a bull dog on Truth and clothesline on Miz simultaneously. Punk goes for the pin on Miz but only gets a two count. Punk goes to the top but he’s stopped by Truth. Hunter interrupts Truth and throws him into the time keeper’s area. Punk goes up to the top and hits his Macho Man-style elbow drop. Hunter and Truth are fighting on the outside and Hunter is attacked out of nowhere by Kevin Nash. Punk tries for the G2S on Miz but it’s broken up by Truth. Miz and Truth hit their finishers at the same time, putting CM Punk down for the three count.
Winners: Miz and R-Truth
Following the match, Nash sends Hunter into the ring steps hard before taking things into the ring. Nash beats on Hunter in the corner for a bit before taking him into the middle of the ring and hitting the jackknife powerbomb. Nash goes out of the ring over the top rope and leaves through the crowd, how he came in.
After the assault, we get a recap of the assault. Hunter is still laid out on his back in the ring as we get multiple replays of the powerbomb, which honestly did not look great as Hunter landed completely on his head and shoulders.
Hunter eventually does make it back to his feet and is helped to the back by a pair of referees.
John Laurinatis is shown backstage on the phone, he’s interrupted by Alberto Del Rio. Ace says he’s got a lot on his plate. Del Rio says he should be the top priority. He says he’s never been in a Last Man Standing match before, and Ace knows how much punishment Cena can take. Ace says Del Rio hadn’t been in any Hell in a Cell matches before winning the title from Cena last month. He says Del Rio will find a way. Del Rio says he’s right, and seems relieved. Ace says it’s his job to make the talent happy, and provide the best show possible, before he wishes Alberto good luck in his match tonight.
Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton
The bell rings and both men begin circling each other. Rhodes goes for Orton’s leg but Orton beats him away and hits a clothesline. Rhodes tries to come back with a bull dog but Orton tosses him away before clotheslining him over the top to the outside. Orton follows and slams Rhodes’ head into the steel stairs. Rhodes comes back into the ring and gets another clothesline, but he rolls to the outside, gets in a cheap shot on Orton, and comes back in hitting a big head butt. Rhodes picks Orton up and hits a front suplex before going to the middle rope and leaping off with a knee drop to the back of Orton’s neck.
Rhodes beats on Orton with punches and knees to the gut before hitting a big clubbing blow across Orton’s back. Orton comes back with rights of his own and a big European uppercut, but Rhodes takes Orton right back down with a big clothesline. Rhodes locks in a rear chin lock, working to wear down Orton. Orton is able to get up to his feet and out of the hold, hitting a big belly to back suplex.
Rhodes hits a big dropkick that puts Orton down for a two count. Rhodes stomps away repeatedly at Orton’s chest. Rhodes stomps at Orton’s head, then his stomach. Rhodes picks Orton’s legs up and tries to turn him in a Boston crab. Orton fights against it but Rhodes is eventually able to lock in the submission.
Orton fights his way out of the hold with kicks to Rhodes’ head. Rhodes charges Orton in the corner but he’s caught with a roll up for two. Rhodes and Orton fights for the upper hand and Rhodes is able to hit the Alabama slam, putting Orton down for another two count.
Rhodes slowly makes his way to the top rope and tries for a moonsault, which is as beautiful as Kurt Angle’s, but he misses as Orton moves out of the way. Orton hits a couple of big clotheslines, then takes Rhodes over with a snap powerslam. Rhodes rolls to the outside and catches Orton with a cheap shot. Rhodes goes to the top and leaps off, but Orton catches him with a dropkick out of nowhere that’s good for a two count. Orton goes for a backbreaker, but Rhodes fights out and hits the beautiful disaster kick to put Orton down for another two count.
Orton takes Cody out to the apron and tries for his rope assisted DDT, but Rhodes fights it off, only to be hit with Orton’s signature backbreaker for another near fall. Orton shoulders Rhodes and drops down to the mat, dropping him on his neck and back. Orton shoulders Rhodes again and places him on the top turnbuckle, laying in with a couple of big right hands. Orton goes up after Rhodes, but Rhodes fights him off with a head butt. Rhodes goes for, and connects with a moonsault press to a standing Orton for another two count.
Rhodes goes back to the corner and climbs up to the middle rope, but when he comes off with a knee drop Orton moves and Cody crashes to the mat. Orton is distracted by one of Cody’s baggers, allowing Rhodes to catch Orton in the cross Rhodes. Rhodes goes for the pin, but Orton won’t stay down.
Rhodes drops down to the mat and begins to psych himself up like Orton. When Orton stands, Cody starts to move but he’s caught with a dropkick that sends him out to the apron. Orton brings Rhodes back into the ring with a rope assisted DDT. Rhodes calls for the other bagger, the charges Orton who sidesteps him, and sends him crashing into the bagger. Orton hits the RKO, and this one is in the books as Orton pins Cody for the three count.
Winner: Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Championship
- Mark Henry (c) vs. Big Show

We get a look at the events that have led into this match, mainly Mark Henry being dominant and absolutely steam-rolling everyone in his path. This should be an interesting ‘Clash of the Titans’.
The bell rings, and both men lock up right away. Henry pushes Show away. Another lock up and Henry pushes Show back into the corner. Show blocks a punch from Henry, turns things around and begins unloading on Henry in the corner with punches and kicks. Henry bails to the outside.
Henry slowly makes his way back into the ring, telling the ref to back Big Show up. Show doesn’t comply, instead racing over and pulling Henry back into the ring over the top rope. Show hits a superkick (kind of), and Henry rolls to the outside again.
Henry goes over to the time keeper’s area, and asks for his title. He begins to leave but Show stops him cold with a clubbing blow across the back before sending him back into the ring. When Show tries to get back into the ring Henry catches him with a vicious chop block before picking Show up and slamming him to the mat. Henry hits a big elbow drop, burying his elbow in Show’s back. Henry picks up Show’s leg and jams his knee down into the canvas. Henry hits the ropes and hits a big elbow drop to Show’s knee.
Henry continues to work over Show’s leg, wrenching away and not letting go. Show reaches for the ropes but he’s not close enough. Henry pulls Show even further toward the center of the ring to make the ropes an even harder goal to attain. Show is finally able to slam his leg down across Henry’s face to force him to break the hold. Show goes for a slam but his knee gives out and Henry falls on top of him for a two count. Henry goes back to the leg again, twisting Show’s ankle and putting pressure on the rest of the leg.
Show finally kicks Henry away, breaking the hold. Both men are slow to their feet, but when they get there they each charge and take each other out with two giant clotheslines. Both men get to their knees and begin trading right hands, then head butts as they make their way to their feet. Show gets the upper hand with repeated head butts and a couple of big clotheslines. Show charges Henry and hits a back splash in the corner before taking the champ to the mat with a big shoulderblock. Show picks Henry up and slams him to the mat before calling for the chokeslam. Show tries for the chokeslam, and he connects. Show goes for the pin but Henry kicks out at two.
Show looks at his hand, then balls it into a fist. Henry stops Show with a kick to the gut before hitting the World’s strongest slam. Henry goes for the pin but Show is able to kick out at two. Henry looks shocked.
Henry goes out to the apron and actually begins climbing to the top rope. Big Show catches him and is able to hit a chokeslam from the top, but when he goes for the pin Henry still kicks out at two!
This time Show looks like he can’t believe it. Show gets up to his feet and he looks distraught. Show goes out to the apron, and HE goes to the top! Henry stops Show and Show is seated on the top turnbuckle. Henry follows up and hits a GIGANTIC superplex that breaks the ring, reminiscent of Show/Lesnar where the same thing happened.
Henry and Show are both laid out. Replays are shown over and over, and even though I’ve seen it before, it’s still a HELL of a sight to see. The trainer is down in the ring checking on Show and Henry, and they’re signaling for help. There’s no bell.
Show hasn’t moved since the superplex and the trainer calls for a golf cart, saying that a stretcher won’t do. John Laurinatis and Teddy Long make their way down to the ring.
Show is finally turned over while Henry is helped on the other side of the ring. Show is helped from the ring on to the cart. Show curses as he’s loaded on to the cart and taken to the back. Henry is next and he’s helped out of the ring but promptly falls to the floor. Henry is helped to his feet, but he pushes the officials away and begins crawling to the back on his own. Teddy Long asks Henry to let people help him but Mark refuses to be helped, screaming ‘I’m the Champion’.
Henry finally accepts a bit of help, but he makes his way to the back on his own. John Lauranaitis has the mic, and he introduces himself. He says he’s here to tell the fans that no matter what happened, he’s going to give the fans what they want. They will have the WWE Championship match here tonight. He says he hopes the crowd agrees with his decision.
No Contest
WWE Championship
Last Man Standing Match
- Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena

Justin Roberts runs down the rules of the match before introducing Ricardo Rodriegez. Rodriegez introduces Del Rio, who gets a bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd.
Del Rio looks furious as he discusses the state of the ring with the referee. Cena’s music hits, and the challenger gets a huge reaction from the crowd as he makes his way out to the destroyed ring.
Cena himself doesn’t look too happy with the state of the ring as he looks around at the collapsed ring posts and the sagging ring ropes.
The bell rings, and Del Rio throws Ricardo at Cena. Cena shoulders Ricardo but Del Rio catches him with a kick to the stomach before mounting him and punching away at Cena’s face. Del Rio hits a suplex before hitting Cena with a big boot to the face. It’ll be really interesting to see how this match plays out without ring ropes. Del Rio backs away and hits Cena with a huge kick to the face, sending Cena falling to the outside. Del Rio follows and sends Cena head first into one of the ring posts.
Cena makes it back to his feet and into the ring. Del Rio takes him down with repeated right hands. Del Rio keeps letting the referee count, then attacking Cena as soon as he gets to his feet. Cena stops this by picking Del Rio up and slamming him to the mat. Cena picks Del Rio up and slams him again before hitting him with three consecutive elbow drops. Del Rio makes it up to his feet and he’s peppered with rights and lefts from Cena. Del Rio responds with a kick to the back and a big low dropkick to Cena.
Del Rio hits a belly to back suplex, and it’s interesting to watch this ring bounce with every move. Del Rio hits another belly to back suplex, then a third. Cena makes it back to his feet at 7, ducks a clothesline and delivers one of his own. The ref starts the count for both men, and both make it up at four. Cena tries for the AA but Del Rio fights out and hits the back stabber.
Cena makes it up at 5. Del Rio kicks at Cena, then hits a big suplex. Del Rio hits another suplex, then goes for a third but it’s blocked and reversed by Cena. Both men get counted by the ref and both make it up at four. Cena hits two shoulderblocks, then a belly to back suplex. He can’t hit the ropes, but he still connects with the five knuckle shuffle anyway. Cena tries for the AA but Del Rio fights it off and hits a beautiful German suplex.
Cena makes it to his feet at 4 and hits a quick gut wrench suplex. The ref starts the count on Del Rio. Del Rio makes it back to his feet at 4 and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio doesn’t wait for the ref to make the count, but instead picks Cena up and begins hitting him with rights and lefts before trying to bury Cena under one of the ring posts. Del Rio backs up, and jumps down on the post on top of Cena’s chest, driving it down.
Cena makes it back up to his feet at 8 and hits an immediate AA. The ref begins to count both men. Cena makes it up at 6 and Del Rio’s up at 8. Cena shoulders Del Rio but he’s attacked from behind by Ricardo. Cena kicks at Ricardo sending him out of the ring. Del Rio charges up behind Cena and locks in a sleeper hold. Del Rio wraps his legs around Cena’s body to lock in the hold.
Cena tries to fight to his feet but Del Rio won’t let go. The ref grabs Cena’s hand and picks it up for one. The ref stops counting, but Del Rio releases the hold and the referee begins his count.
Cena gets back to his feet at 8 and Del Rio goes to throw Cena from the ring, but Cena launches Del Rio out instead and since there are no ropes, Del Rio simply flies back first into the barricade. Del Rio makes it up to his feet at 6. Cena comes to the outside and slams Del Rio into the barricade head first. Cena tries to send Del Rio into the ring steps, but Del Rio reverses and Cena flies into the steps shoulder first.
Ricardo tries to get involved again, so Cena picks him up and crotches him on one of the splayed out ring posts. Cena’s caught off guard by Del Rio, who kicks him in the back repeatedly. Del Rio charges Cena and ends up eating a drop toe hold into the ring post where Ricardo is still crotched, it’s a funny sight.
Cena picks up the ring steps and throws them at Del Rio’s head hard, but Del Rio avoids it and takes Cena down with a flurry of rights. Del Rio slams Cena head first into the ring steps before backing away and charging in with a big clubbing blow. Del Rio picks up the other stairs and uses the to blast Cena in the head.
Cena makes it up to his feet at 8 and Del Rio is there with a big right but Cena responds with rights of his own, fighting him up the entrance ramp. They fight back to the backstage area where Cena tosses Del Rio on a table full of snacks.
Cena tries to push a huge equipment case on Del Rio, but Alberto moves and avoids being crushed. Del Rio throws Cena on top of the equipment case and body slams Cena down hard. The ref begins the count, but Cena makes it up at 7. Cena stumbles over into the interview area. Del Rio takes a piece of the set and throws it down on top of Cena. There are three other set pieces that are exactly the same, and Del Rio tosses all four on top of Cena in an attempt to hold Cena down.
The referee begins the count, and unbelievably, Cena climbs out from under the rubble and makes his way up to his feet. Del Rio and Cena fight back out into the arna and Cena is on wobbly legs. Cena blocks a punch from Del Rio and comes back with a series of his own. Ricardo is there from out of nowhere on Cena’s back and Del Rio uses the opportunity to stun Cena, then send him through a big cardboard V that’s part of the entrance ramp. Del Rio grabs a table and begins setting it up.
Del Rio places Cena on the table and begins climbing some of the set. Cena gets up and pulls Del Rio off of the set, sending him crashing through the table. Del Rio struggles but he’s able to get to his feet at 8. Cena lays in to Del Rio with punches and Del Rio tries to fight back. They begin to fight through the crowd and then eventually back to the ring. Del Rio is able to send Cena flying over the announcer’s table.
Del Rio begins disassembling the Spanish announce table. He goes to slam Cena in to the table head first, but Cena beats him around the ring and slams him into a barricade before taking out Ricardo. Del Rio shoves Cena into the ring post and tries for an enzugiri but Cena moves and Del Rio connects with the ring post. Cena goes for the ring steps at, setting them up next to the Spanish announce table. Cena shoulders Del Rio and begins climbing the steps. Cena stands at the top of the steps, and sends Del Rio crashing through the announce table with a huge AA.
Miz and Truth make their way from the back and attack Cena. Miz hits Cena with the SCF, then Truth hits the Lie detector. The referee hasn’t counted Del Rio because he’s been distracted by Truth and Miz. The referee begins the count on both men and Del Rio is stirring. Del Rio makes it to his feet at 4. Cena starts stirring at 6, but he’s up at 9. Del Rio is in the ring with the title belt and he uses it to blast Cena. The referee begins the count again. Cena stirs at 5, but he can’t make it to his feet by 10. And this match is over.
Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Alberto Del Rio

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